UPVC Service & Repair in Carlisle, Cumbria

UPVC doors and windows can last a long time if they are serviced at least once every few years

Our UPVC repair and servicing in Carlisle, Cumbria can remove the locking mechanisms on doors and windows, clean them thoroughly and grease them up to allow smooth movement when lifting and pushing down on handles. The vast majority of lock failures on these types of doors & windows are down to rusted and seized parts.

UPVC doors can also drop with the weight of the glass in them causing stress on the hinges and the door to be difficult to lock. We can realign most doors to make them lock smoother and prolong the life of the door locks.

Window locks can seize up or the mechanism in the window (often called an espag) can fail completely leaving the window locked in place or unable to shut at all in the frame. These can be replaced making your home secure or enabling you to open your windows again in the summer.

We can also replace lost window keys even if you have no keys left at all. We have skeleton keys for most window locks and once we have a key that fits your window locks, we simply cut as many as you require.

Our standard charge for servicing front and back UPVC doors is only £45.00 within a ten-mile radius of Carlisle. Other charges may apply for longer distances or if any parts are required. Call us on 01228 498092 or 07825 711260 to book an appointment to suit you.

Please note this is not a 24-hour service.